Ode on a Marble Statue

There he stood in all his glory,

stark naked before the world.

A smooth, round stone in his right hand,

resting on his thigh,

his left hand holding a sling 

slung over his shoulder,

as he looked out at his target,

a giant of a man, 

a stand-in for the enemy army. 

He was to avenge his nation,

a mere twelve-year old boy,

a toy by comparison. 

It took only one shot

from his sling to

the forehead, 

right between the eyes.

He landed in a thud

heard around the nation,

and the hero’s name meant 

beloved ~ David.

The statue stood on a pedestal,

larger than life, radiant

in pure, yet flawed marble.

I stood in awe among the crowd,

half-expecting he might step down,

so lifelike he appeared. 

I wondered if I struck that 

bulging vein in his hand 

if he might bleed. 

I fell in love with my namesake.

Outside the Academia,

I gathered a set of postcards

with various views 

around the marble marvel,

and then pored over the 

array of replica souvenirs

until I found one true to original.

Fifty-eight years later,

he still stands on my desk, 

stark naked 

in all his glory!

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