Monthly Archives: January 2024

Moon Mountain

Many paths lead from the foot of the mountain,

but at the peak we all gaze at the single bright moon.


Today’s email “Word for the Day” took me back to one of the most memorable experiences in my three-week tour of China in 2007. Not far from the exotic city of Yangshou, this extraordinary mountain looms in the sky as an irresistible invitation to climb it.

Fortunately, American mountaineers built multiple stone step pathways around the base that meander through the forest, gradually revealing the stunning karst hills in the landscape below. These reminded me of the cone-shaped formations along the eastern Cascades in Oregon, USA. 

Hiking around 800 steps, alongside lovely water and snack vendors who traverse this arduous path all day long, you reach the base of the former opening to a cave. I just found one of the many photos I took there in 2007. 

Sometime later, during a meditation, I thought about the many paths to Moon Mountain as a metaphor for the multiple religions that purport to take us to spiritual heights, enlightenment, heaven. There are many paths, each with its own features, inspirations and challenges, but ultimately, when we reach the summit, we are all in the same place!